Monthly Archives: September 2023

Which version of .NET MAUI should I be using?

Here we are in September of 2023 and it may not be obvious whether you should be using the stable version of Visual Studio or the preview version. Also, things have become a bit more complicated with the announcement that Visual Studio for Mac is in maintenance mode and will go away eventually. First of… Read More »

Templated Controls in .NET MAUI

Let’s say you want a custom control in .NET MAUI where the look and feel can be completely described in XAML and doesn’t require any platform specific rendering. You can easily do this using a ContentView. If you Add New Item, you can choose a .NET MAUI ContentView (XAML). And this will generate a XAML… Read More »

Accessing Xamarin Forms App Properties in .NET MAUI

There were two primary ways to store preferences in Xamarin Forms. You could use either App Properties or Xamarin Essentials Preferences. Both are similar, with key/value pairs that are stored somewhere that the application can access, but private to the application. You could remember a username, store application preferences like colors and other customizations, and… Read More »